Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island

Help Hawaiians believe in the old ways by finding a hidden island in Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island. Many years ago, before the Hawaiians came to the islands, the ancient Gods had a meeting about the creation of the Hawaiian Islands and decided to keep one secret. Clues lay around the Hawaiian islands to find this Lost Island and now it`s up to you to find it!

  • Epic adventure
  • Cleverly hidden clues
  • Exciting storyline

Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island screenshots.
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Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island screenshot
Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island screenshot
Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island screenshot

Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island is free to download and play. After you download Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island you have 1 trial hour to decide whether you like it or not. You can buy Hawaiian Explorer 2: Lost Island online right away, instantly and securely.

Go on an epic adventure with Charlie to find the Lost Island which was hidden by ancient gods long ago.

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